Sunday, April 3, 2011

Safe Routes to School Project Approvals

Coalition representative Bill Lazenby reports that on March 24 the SRTS Review Committee met and the following projects were approved. For more info about SRTS, visit

Infrastructure Projects
1. City of Apache Junction--Safe Bicycle/Ped Routes --------- $399,598.
2. Pima County--Coronado Cougars--Walkway/Bike path ---- $399,382.
3. Town of Springerville--Round Valley in Motion -------------- $399,728.
4. City of Tucson---Liberty Ave School ---------------------------- $399,880.
5. Yuma Proving Grounds--Price Elementary School -------------$104,904.
6. Apache County--St Johns SRTS----------------------------------- $327,600.
7. City of Flagstaff--Pine Knoll FUTS / Bike Lanes--------------- $385,128.
8. City of Tucson-Gila Panthers Tracks ----------------------------- $352,177.

The next step is for Brian Fellows to present these approved applications to the State Transportation Board this summer and the monies will be available for the projects by the start of school in September,2011.

Cycle # 6 will start by September and all applications need to be into Brian at ADOT by December 31, 2011

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