Friday, April 23, 2010

Scottsdale cyclist's death shows problems with law

Thanks to PMBC member and Arizona Republic reporter, Jane Larson, for connecting us and allowing the Coalition of Arizona Bicyclists to contribute to this article.
But Arizona bicycle advocates are concerned that the state law mandating that motorists give bicyclists 3 feet of safe passing distance is inconsistently enforced.

"It seems more law-enforcement officers are aware of the law, but I think there is still some confusion on what the law is and how to apply it," said Bob Beane, president of the Coalition of Arizona Bicyclists.

The group would like to see increased awareness of the law, increased penalties and a clarification of how the law applies if designated bike lanes are not suitable for riding, he said.
Scottsdale cyclist’s death shows problems with law,4/23/2010, The Arizona Republic

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