Tuesday, March 1, 2011

ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Program

Be sure to check out the web pages of the ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Program, azbikeped.org . It contains an extensive array of information about bicycling (and walking, of course) in Arizona. Laws, tips, touring, maps, educational materials for young and old -- it's all there. Bicyclist advocates can find load of info in the Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan section including grant information, implementation plans.
Special mention should be made of the pamphlet Arizona Bicycling Street Smarts -- which explains both the laws and how to ride, under all conditions. It is in such great demand that supplies of the printed version, sometimes available at bikes shops, and libraries, etc. can be hard to find, but is always available on the website in its entirety.
In addition to AzBSS, there is additional materials, as well as educational curriculum for both childern and adults.

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